Last Updated on January 15, 2016
Some of you requested tips on how to promote your blog effectively after reading my blogger self-promotion posts, so I put together this list. It was written with fashion bloggers in mind, but most of these tips actually apply to any kind of blog. I hope you find it useful. :) If there's anything you're still curious about, let me know in the comments!
1. Make a Facebook page for your blog
and post your updates there. Be sure the link to your Facebook page is visible on every page of your blog so that your readers can find it easily (for example, put it in the sidebar). When someone likes your page, it often shows up on their Facebook friends' homepages (News Feed). This way you also reach those who haven't visited your blog yet. If they like what they see when they check out your page and blog, chances are they'll come back and become your regular readers.
2. Make a Twitter profile
and post links to your updates, but don't do only that. If you use Twitter just for linking to your blog, you won't get many followers because that's boring. The point of Twitter is interaction with others. Be personal. Retweet other bloggers' posts that you like. Don't be afraid to talk to people! We're all nice.
You don't have to tweet only about the things directly related to your blog. Tweet about the things that are you. If you're interesting, people will be inclined to read what you have to say on your blog.
3. Add the Facebook Like button to your posts
This works the same as Facebook pages: when someone likes your post, it appears in their friends' News Feed, which means it's suddenly seen by many people.
Setting up the Like button on your blog is no trouble - I'm on WordPress and use the Like-Button-Plugin-For-Wordpress (there are many more plugins that will do the same, but I like this one best because it has some extra features). If you're using Blogger, check out these instructions how to add the button below every post.
4. Leave comments on other blogs
We're talking meaningful, thoughtful comments. Think about what you've read. Contribute your ideas to the discussion. Share your own story or experience. Bloggers love this because it shows that you took time to really take in our posts. When someone leaves me a great comment, I always visit their blog and try to write an adequate response. Many bloggers comment back for every comment they receive, so if you spread the love, you're guaranteed to get it in return!
5. Write guest posts on other blogs
Think about what kind of people you want to attract to your blog and write a guest post for a blog with such (or similar) audience. Ideally the blog that will publish your guest post should have higher traffic than your blog, but if you're targeting a specific niche, this is not so important. Check out more tips on how to arrange and write a great guest post.
6. Ask your readers to share your content
on other sites and make it easy for them by including social media buttons (linking to Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, email, Digg etc.) at the end of your posts. In Blogger you can enable the buttons by opening the Design tab, clicking Edit under Blog Posts and ticking Show Share Buttons in the pop-up window (see this picture for details).
If you want more share buttons than the 5 offered by Blogger, use a service such as AddThis or ShareThis (works both on Blogger and WordPress). If you're on WordPress, you can also choose from many plugins (I'm currently using SexyBookmarks on Dressful).
7. Find blogs and websites that do blogger interviews or profiles
and ask to be featured. Similar to writing a guest post, this is a great way to expose your blog to a new audience (Katy of ModlyChic features a fashion blogger every Monday).
8. Socialize virtually.
Join sites and forums related to your blog topic and connect with others. If you're a fashion blogger, I recommend Independent Fashion Bloggers (resources and articles on everything from tips for better writing to monetizing your blog), Friend Friday (Google group for discussion, a set of questions to answer every Friday) and The Fashion Spot.
If you're a beginner blogger, I don't recommend sites like Lookbook or Chictopia because you need to have a huge following to be successful on them. It's not worth to spend a lot of time on them in exchange for very little traffic. You'll be better off if you use these hours to work on your blog content.
9. Socialize locally.
Attend events related to your blog topic, blogger and Twitter meet-ups and network, network, network. To avoid clumsily searching for a pen and a piece of paper when you want to give someone your blog address, always keep a stash of business cards in your bag (Moo is awesome for business cards design and printing - their quality is great and they ship worldwide from the UK and US).
10. Produce inspiring and original content,
be it text, photos, video, anything. You can excel at all of the above 9 points, but what matters the most is continuously putting out content that people want to read and share. Before you start dedicating serious time to promoting your blog, make sure you've published at least a few posts you're really proud of.
If people visit your blog and don't see anything interesting, they won't share it. Great content is a call to action by itself.
Thanks for writing this Eva! I am going to have to reread it later, to actually make a lot of use out of it, but it's so informative. I guess my biggest barriers is being anxious about promoting myself and somewhat looking conceited... especially on my personal Facebook. Should I just make a new Facebook page?
I think you should. I had a similar concern about posting blog updates on my personal profile because not all of my Facebook friends are interested in my blog. So I created a separate page for it and those friends who read my blog just became fans of that page and now get updates that way.
This was such a good article! I am always looking for new ways to get viewers to stop by my blog. I do some of these, but the one I have been resisting is making a facebook page for my blog. I don't know why! I think I better do that, and also add a fb like button to my posts too. Thanks!
You're very welcome! I'm glad you found these ideas useful :)
Just Love the Blog....!!!
Nice Blog with some really nice info, it was nice to see these kind of collections.
Thanks For Sharing it.
You can also check out the Fashion Forward Trend... which is a trend think tank that translates today’s influences into tomorrow’s fashion.
I'm concerned about the Fb thing too. It's difficult to keep your personal life separated from the 'blogger' part, and Fb just unites it. Maybe a separate page is the right solution. Thank you, Eva!
You're welcome! :) This solution worked for me, all my (FB) friends who read my blog liked (I prefer the old times when this was called "become a fan", like just sounds weird in a sentence) the page and don't miss a single update. Not to mention that your blog is very likely also read by people other than your FB friends and it's good to have a FB place for everyone.
hey, great tips! honestly,
but its really hard to socialize locally since the passing of blogging business card is not practiced widely here. i tried doing once at a flea (all fleas here only sell clothings) and i passed them out and there were like weird look given to me. so i'm still trying to work on that on whether i should continuing doing so or not.
also, i've not been blogging lately due to lack of content to post about and i'm afraid it will drift away from "the fashion blog", any tips?
(: With Love,
You should hand out business cards only after you've already been talking to the person for a while and established contact. If you hand them out just like that, people won't know why you're doing it. If however you did talk to people and gave them your business cards afterwards, I don't know why they reacted that way. :/
As for your blog, ask yourself if you really need to have a *fashion blog* or can it be a personal one. Nothing wrong with the second option. You can look at other blogs for content ideas (i.e. write about something someone else has written about already), but if you have trouble coming up with fashion-related ideas for a longer time, don't force it. Just write about what interests you.
Great tips here. I love the diagram "The History of My blog" I think I'm still stuck at 2006 LOL
I'm so happy I came across this... I was starting to lose patience. I know I started bloggin for myself but it feels nice to know that someone is reading it. Now I know how to spread the word.
Thanks a lot!
Great post! I think it will be helpful to any new blogger just starting out! My problem is that I find it hard to keep original content between Twitter and Facebook. I don't want to post the same thing on both because that seems redundant. Do you have any recommendations?
On both Facebook and Twitter, but especially on Twitter, it's good to also post other things than just blog updates. My Twitter mainly consists of personal tweets + links to blog updates while on my Facebook page I also post fashion-related news and pictures. It's definitely a good idea not to post the same things on both!
Great ideas, thanx for sharing. It's just one little thing, I hate fb. Not a good thing for my promotion, but can't help it....
I think you can have a FB page without creating a personal FB account first. But even if it's the opposite, you can just not use the personal account. :P
Thanx for you replay. I did think long and hard about creating non personal fb account, but I find it user NOTfriendly and I don't have the time to update on my blog as well as fb. I might create fb account someday in the future. Until then I shall use other means of promotion. Thanx again!
Thank you so much for doing this! I just started a fashion blog called fashionforteens a little less than a month ago. I am having trouble getting the word out there and getting more views. This really helped! I really don't know much about blogging and am not particularly technologically savvy, so it's been difficult for me to figure everything out. I do love blogging though and my site has grown considerably in terms of number of views. Do you know exactly how to insert the twitter and facebook buttons because I read this, then went to the wordpress tutorial but I still can't quite figure it out. I also read something about not being able to use plugins on a blog but am not sure if that's true or not.
When I had Twitter and Facebook buttons on this blog, I just used plugins (Simple Facebook Share Button and WP Tweet Button). I don't know much about blogs, but I think plugins should work there too?
I found this helpful...but I have a specific question...I have been getting a lot of views, but not a lot of followers. Like I will go on other blogs that have only 3,000 views, but they have 120 followers. I have over 20,000 views, but only 67 followers. I am wondering why I am getting so many views, but not a lot of followers, and also how to get the people to visit to want to follow my blog. I know a lot of people get followers by "if you follow me, i will follow you", but I don't want to do that because it seems fake to me. I only want people to follow my blog if they are genuinely interested in what I have to say...but how do I get people to follow, and not just read? I hope that makes sense...thanks!
Hi Leigh,
number of views and number of followers aren't necessarily related. Maybe you're getting a lot of visits via Google because somewhere in your blog you used good keywords people are constantly searching for. Maybe people who know you offline are checking out your blog 24/7 (a bit stalkerific, but it's what people do).
It might also be that you've had your counter installed for a longer time than those bloggers with (seemingly) less views, which would explain the higher number.
Counters in general aren't a good tool for measuring the number of visits, simply because people install them at different times, so it's impossible to compare. What counts is the number of daily or monthly unique visits. You can track it in Google Analytics. I highly recommend you to sign up for GA if you want to know your real statistics.
It sounds to me that in order to make people return (or stay), you need to improve your content. What's happening to your blog is this: people visit it, but they're not entirely convinced (and leave without following). We follow blogs when we like the content so much we don't want to miss the next post(s).
I went to your blog and saw you've had it since August, so 68 followers is not at all bad for such a short time. You most likely also have people who follow you via RSS.
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much for sharing these promotion tips! I started blogging recently and it can be a bit overwhelming to figure out the best ways to go about it all. I'm already working to check off some of the things on your list! Thanks, again!
What a great post!
It actually gave me a little hope, seeing as I have been blogging for over a year and it seems like I just can't seem to get many views. I am wondering though- why does it seem like people who use blogger always have a ton of comments? I use WordPress and love it, but if blogger seems to be better with getting traffic should I change?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
It seems so because the majority of fashion bloggers use Blogger and its followers system (which can't be transferred to WordPress). So if they follow someone, they'll always see their posts in their Blogger dashboard.
Let's get one thing straight though: the number of comments doesn't have anything to do with how much traffic a blog receives.
what a great post! thanks for sharing this :) receiving comments and followers lightens up my day but I'd like to think that someone "follows" me because they genuinely want to read my posts, images, etc. that's my personal made-up rule when I follow someone. "do I really want to read what this person blogs about? am I really interested? or am I just following for the sake of having more views/traffic on my blog?" though it's tricky sometimes because who doesn't want to have their blog read by a large audience?
anyway, I think I lost myself here, ha! Now, how do I "follow" you if I'm on blogger and your on wordpress?
Hi Julie! You can follow my blog by going to your Dashboard, then under Reading List click ADD (blue button), select "Add from URL" in the pop-up window and copy/paste . Let me know how it works!
this is a super late reply! but it worked perfectly! thanks :)
Really great post! I just started my own fashion blog and I wasn't too sure how to get it out there. This info is so helpful! Thanks for sharing :)
Camille xo
First of all I love your blog! It is very unique, different and inspiring.
I recently started my blog and am finding it quite difficult to promote it, etc. However your post has really helped me out! If you have any other tips I would be so grateful if you could contact me. Thank you so much, Leona
These are some great tips. Thank you for sharing!
This was amazing and so glad I found you :) Thank you for the tips and I'm looking forward to implementing these ideas. I just started blogging a couple of months ago and I have to agree that it is content that keeps people coming back. I figured that if it's something I love, someone out there must love it too. My blog main feature is outfit of the day, but I try and mix it up with book and film recommendations. Once again, thank you and now I'm off to explore more of your blog.
Thank you for the lovely words!
Great post and so true. I think everyone focuses so much on writing FOLLOW ME all over the net, and forgets about the blog content. I've been guilty of this, but I'm trying!! x
Thanks so much for this post! It was really helpful!
Thanks for these tips, I will be using them in my site. Don't forget to mention commenluv as it helps promote active readership and it turn gets you more visitors.
These are all really great tips! I agree with you about the difficulty of starting up on lookbook and chictopia, but if it doesn't take up too much time I think it doesn't hurt to post your looks up there as you go. I tried to join up to IFB recently and I was immediatley bombarded by people messaging me to 'please check out my blog'. I was so turned off that I took off the IFB banner from my blog.
I know this is an old post and you probably don't respond to msgs on these, but I just wanted to know how important you think it is to have a clear purpose for your blog. I've visualised having both a beauty and fashion blog, but in my experience my readership are either one of the other, so I feel like I'm alienating one category of my readers no matter what I post about!
Honestly, I've been wondering about the same question. I've seen blogs that pull off both successfully, but you're right that it could mean two different categories of readers.
Dressful is a fashion blog, but I've had a few beauty posts here nevertheless, especially about perfumes. It's difficult because fashion and beauty are so closely intertwined, if you care about how you look, it probably means you care about clothes *and* make-up!
I suggest you simply ask your readers what they'd like to see on your blog, or if they would be alienated/bothered with two major themes.
this was really helpful!! I'm 17 and I just started my fashion and beauty blog! So far I have 20 followers so im excited about that!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! I just started my blog a few weeks ago, and it's been super slow with the comments. I'm still trying to figure out how to get more followers and comments on my blog, but this was such a useful article. Hoping to become more successful with that soon! Thanks, again :)
Great article. You gave me good ideas on how to promote my site. thank you
Great tips! I'm immediately going to look into adding a Facebook Like button to my Tumblr...
Great post, it finally inspired me to use social media to increase traffic on my blog.
I have a tiny problem though and I hope you can help me out: I'm worried that my blog will get enough views, but not a lot of followers, because my blog doesn't concern fashion (or something else) only. It's more of a pick and mix of anything I can find.
Maybe it's hard for others to relate to the things I post or something...
Do you think that having some kind of theme or goal will attract more followers?
Is it smart to have a blog and Tumblr (and of course Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, etc.) hire a PR firm in New York who reps other dopey fashion bloggers, then kiss each others ass appropriately making sure to post each other daily and have each other on your blogroll and when asked how many viewers just say 100k and 600K on Tumblr.
Thanks sooo much :) answered a bunch of questions I was having and I loved the link to the how to add the "like" button. That was super helpful and straightforward. It is crazy how much social networking you have to do outside of your blog to gain a larger following. I made myself a list of sites to visit daily in my social networking rounds :P
Thanks again
Check out my makeup blog
It just gets more and more fabulous as I go :D Do tag along for my journey through makeup and blogging.
Thatnks for the article. It's nice to know there are people out there who are genuinely interested in helping others succeed. I'm pretty new to the fashion blogsphere so I find your tips helpful. Whenever possible I try and relate my posts to personal experience. I'm in my final semester of my Masters degree in a totally unrelated area to fashion, but I'm finding blogging so exciting that I often relegate my school work to the background. Lol
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! I just started my blog a few weeks ago, and it's been super slow with the comments. I'm still trying to figure out how to get more followers and comments on my blog, but this was such a useful article. Hoping to become more successful with that soon! Thanks, again :)
Thank you! I just attended about 30 shows and presentations at NYFW and am organizing all my photos and videos to put on my website: but was wondering what would be the best way to increase traffic. I'll definitely use your tips!
Thanks for the tips! Going to implement them RIGHT NOW.
Love Grace.
Thank you so much!! I will definitely use your tips for my blog!! :D
Thank you so much for these helpful tips! I just started a blog a couple of days ago and have been wondering how to build a following. So helpful for the newbie :) I just used your tips on how to add the facebook "like" button to my page! Thanks so much :)
This post is really usefull for new bloggers! thanks a lot! :)
Hello Dressful,
I just randomly googled tips on great blogging and come across your site. From my experience very few ppl in the fashion/creative industry are willing to help or share information with finding your blog with great tips was very refreshing for a change. Thank you soo much!!! I liked tip number 6 and added it to my blog:
Wish more people were willing to share information like you.
Really good tips, we used all of your tips, but kind of made it our own. Thanks for such an inspirational post!
Great article!! lots of very helpful tips.. but I have a question, I am a new blogger and I am not exactly a tech genius so I'm having a hard time customizing my blog and such BUT my question is: HOW do i permanently put follow me on fb, twitter and bloglovin buttons on my blog, kinda like you have them on your blog? that would be very helpful
thank you
Wow thanks so much for the info! I so enjoyed it and really found a lot of useful tips which I can't wait to put into practice. Thank You :-)
Golden tips and I agree about the comment you made about Lookbook, when I began to blog, I joined Lookbook and soon found out that not only did I feel like the older kid desperately (and unsuccessfully) trying to fit in with the young 'uns; without a decent following, I was being buried under the sand. So I cancelled my account and decided to transfer that energy into coming up with decent material for my blog!
Thanks for the info. I'm still set on the idea that LB can be a good promotion tool, do you have any tips to increase popularity and hype?
Thanks for the tips! I just started my blog today and I'm just clueless about everything lol. ^.^
I have to thank you for writing this article, because it made my start in bloging so much easier. I'm literally a beginner ( I posted my first post like half an hour ago ), but I learned so much from your blog a while ago.
Thanks again :)
I personally don't agree with a facebook page, until you have a few more followers.. post your link on your own page if you have to.. but meh. Maybe thats just me! I've recently become a little frustrated with how slow the followers number is going up, but then I'm even more frustrated because I'm barely getting any comments. Then I ended up realizing, that whilst yes, the exposure is important, I need to remember I'm in it for me, not for followers, not for comments, but for having a source to put some me time into
Thank you for sharing your blogging tips. I launched my blog at the beginning of July, it's a fashion, decorating and diy blog and I am having a difficult time trying to figure out the best place to connect and network with other bloggers specializing in the same areas. Do you have any insight on what networking sites, forums, etc to join to start networking with other bloggers and how to go about finding blogs to guest post on? Thank you for sharing this, as a newbie it's definitely helpful!
This is so very helpful, thank you so much- I'm going to work on my facebook page now and get adding those buttons! I've done nine posts so far so this should really get the ball moving, especially as I have a free giveaway too! Thank you so, so, soooo much!!! *subscribed to this blog now* does anybody know of any twitter/blogger or other meet ups happening soons? I'd love to know& meet you all!!(: xoxo
Thanks for the nice tips, They're really helpful i am mostly spending my time on twitter to build good following which i think is very good to make your posts go viral. I'll also look into your tips for improving my new Fashion blog
Thanks for this post :) so informative and can't wait to use on my blog. if you dont mind check me out at
Hi thank you for these tips, all really helpful, especially the one where you can have a Facebook like button on your posts. I have a question do you think it can become boring for the reader to always have the Facebook like button?
I just created my beauty blog (
thank you for the tips
I just found this post! ...Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you! This really answered alot of my questions xx
Thank you for sharing these tips, I've recently started my own fashion & lifestyle blog so tips like this are more than useful :-)
Nice tips! Will be trying them out. Thanks
Gosh, thank you for all that advice, I am totally new to blogging and I am not a young blogger - so it's all quite a lot to take on board, technology wise and learning every day. I had better get cracking on implementing some of the above.
Thank u so much, this is great article!
I am new in blogging and this article give me ideas to make people find out about my blog... :D
Thank you thank you thank you! I am just starting out on my blog journey and Im really excited to start using your tips. Again, thanks!
This post is pretty awesome and I strongly agree with each of the items but I think the key is in enjoying having a blog and avoind turining it into an obligation.
Loved this blog, the content and the layout, I'm following you!
Those are really amazing tips, thanks a lot! :) It is just a pity that I cannot add plugins to my blog, otherwise I would have loved to add the Facebook Like button ;) Anyway, I guess I will have to do it without :D Maybe trying some other tips of yours :D
Take care!
I found this post to be very useful. I remember when i first started my blog initially for a job application but didn't know that there is so much more behind it. Still learning :)
I've only just started my blog and I'm already loving it!
Extremely grateful for this post, so so so helpful.
I'm going to London Fashion Week soon and I can't wait to blog all about it.
Definitely subscribing!
Thank you!
My twin and I have just started our own fashion blog and have had trouble attracting viewers but hopefully with these tips we'll become as successful as you have :)
Thank you so much for the post!
And as you said it´s important to leave comments, so I start right away!
I tought it was so helpfull that you wrote,
´we are all nice´ becuase we actually do sometimes forget that...
And I hope you can give me a few tips how to improve my blog ;)
Thanks again!
Greetz from Barcelona!
Thank you for such useful tips!
Great article! Thank you. I love reading about blogs and the blog community. Cheers!
Thank you, Jana!
Thanks so much for these advices :)!I needed something like this.
I'm definitely subscribing to your blog.
Mwah :)!
Hi Eva,
I am really thankful to you for this article which is mostly intended for fashion bloggers. Actually I am from India and promoting fashion collection trends on my website. Basically I don't sell anything but I love keep browsing these Indian fashion trends and write about the items that I like and refer my readers to the respective sites where they can purchase the items.
Since long I was looking out for some good article which can teach the ways of promoting fashion blogs. And I have really got some good take away message from your blog specially about Twitter and Virtual socializing.
I think this can help me a lot more to get close to those who are interested in the same niche that I am dealing with and I can expect some better results in near future.
Thanks again for sharing your experience.
Best Wishes,
Sunayana (
great tips! i'll try it and i wish i could be a popular fashion blogger
Thank so much for the tips! Already working on some of the points you've mentioned. xo Marez
Thanks so much for posting! I found this really helpful. I just started my blog about a month ago and it can be frustrating when you put so much work into something and not very many people see it. I've already started following these steps, hopefully they will help!
xoxo Jordan
this is so helpfull, thank you so much for posting this. Just recently started blogging and it's not easy at all to promote it, at least I'm doing what I love and sharing with people my knowledge. ♡
Just wanted to say how useful this post is! I know it's a few years old now, but still so relevant. Thanks! :) Charlotte.x
thank for your tips :) great for a new blogger like myself
Hi Eva,
great advice and a nice summary of points for fashion bloggers.
Thanks for the help and inspiration,
x Caro x
Your tip about fashion are so good, thank you for that!
Thank you so much for this! This is really good advice. Very informative and helpful! Thanks!
Thanks for this article....Its a great encouragement to me as i figure out how to start my walk in blogging...thanks
This article was so useful! I have recently started my blog and felt a little bit overwhelmed by all the technical jargon associated with blogging. This definitely gave me some valuable insight on what it takes to make a splash in the blogging world. Thank you so much x
My problem is I see the views going up but I only have 1 follower. guess I will have to try harder.
This is the best article I've come across concerning this topic. Thanks!
Thanks for putting together such an amazing and helpful list!
Thank you very much for this great tips! This is the best article I have read on this topic. I am so happy to find this article and discovering your website. Thank you
Thanks for the tips!
As a beginner knowing these things definitely helps us to excel as bloggers. Great post!
Just signed up for IFB!
Have a great year!
Great tips! I followed all of them except of writing guest posts as it turned out a b it more complicated than I expected. I got good results but I am now stuck with no recent progress, especially with my bloglovin' followers...
It takes a long time to build a following with so many blogs around these days. Don't give up!
Thanks for post......really your points are helpful....
thank you so much for sharing your tips!
Hey everyone, I've just started posting on a new blog all about Men's 'attire'. If you could take a look at the introduction, it would mean an awful lot, thanks!
Thank you so much for your insightful tips! I started my blog last March, and in the last year I have learned so much about what goes into fashion and beauty blogging. I just created Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for my blog, and you are right...people have been reading my blog and appreciating my work more as a result!
I love all the great tips! Will try that OOTD or popular hastags related to beauty.. :) So exciting!!....
Wow, thank you for taking your time to do this and help other people. I've been wanting to design my own picture displayed at the top of my blog (not sure what it's called haha) but is that only possible to do with wordpress? Probably not, but I have no idea. thanks in advance xx
Wonderful tips, thank you very much!
Great post! That’s awesome that so many popular retailers are mindful enough to make something for everyone.Thanks for the post.
Thanks for that great advice! Now I know what things to work on. I've been looking through your blog and I love it! It's simple, straight to the point, great info., and beautiful. I'm an amateur fashion blogger and will keep coming to your blog as much as I can to keep learning.
XOXO - Lola.
Hi Eva, I'm new to the blog world and your article has been very interesting and useful I'll surely keep in mind all the tips you listed. 4 years later after you wrote it, all the tips are still valid and true.
Thanks for sharing them. ;-)
Have a lovely day.
Very useful post. I've been making good progress on Facebook and Twitter. Will look into the other tips mentioned here :)
This post maybe a little old, but it's still extremely helpful! Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you so much for these tips!! They are all so helpful for someone starting out.
Thank you so much for these tips! The thing I'm struggling with is that I live in a country where English isn't the mother tongue, but I still chose to blog in English. Over here it's easier to blog in Dutch, but I love writing in English. Do you have any tips for me to get more followers?
Superb informative post! Going to follow your advice. I am into beauty blogging. Please like my facebook page if interested.
Very helpful. I will take advantage of these tips immediately :)
Really helpful post!! Thanks for sharing x
Thank you, I will use these tips. Especially the guest posts, sounds like a fun idea. Def going to look into that. xo
seee my blogg isss very pretty thank youuu XOXO
really helpful post for us thanks for sharing this great post great info :)
Very useful tips! I have a few websites which I use to sell and , but no Twitter account. I am going to create one straight away and hopefully my Facebook fans will follow me.
your fashion tip is very helpful for every person have interest in fashion .i sent your blog
link my other fashion interested friends
Very nice article! I love your Blog too!!! I just started getting into fashion blogging and I would love it if you guys would come check out my blog!
Would you reccomend getting your own URL aswell? And linking your blogger to your twitter or creating a separate twitter for your blog? I dont want to annoy my followers but I don't think my blogs good enough for people to want to follow it on there!
I'm glad I found your tips had my fashion and placement blog only two weeks!
Thanks Ruth x
Many thanks from russian blogger! Gonna use them all
I have just written my first blog. After reading your blog, I hop to do a lot better. Looking forward to reading more of yours.
I agree that socializing virtually, commenting on other blogs, creating social media profiles is SO important!
As a fashion blogger with about 10 M unique visitors a month, I can say it helps to join Independent Fashion Bloggers and network there, as well as post occasionally to Makeoverly. Also try and get nominated for a blogger award! These methods have brought me in a good amount of traffic, and are perfect if you are able to get into these circles.
Love this post! I've read a lot of articles on blog followers and was surprised to see a few new ideas on here (specific recommended sites, socializing locally, and guest posts). There are so many ways to connect with other bloggers and form friendships from those means. Thanks for the share!
Thank you for these wonderful tips, I realize this post was written a couple of years ago but the points are still relevant today :)
I have found that my Facebook page posts are only reaching a few people, and aren't appearing for all my likers so have lost a little motivation there.
Other than that I have found blogging to be a positive and fun experience, it is so nice to use writing as an outlet whether I have 2 followers or 2 million :)
Keep up the great work girls & guys! <3
Lux x
Loved your post..really inspiring. You are in my favorites now. Thanks
Many many thanks for your kind info...
Very useful post. I've been making good progress on Facebook and Twitter.
I just started my blog and needed a lot of advice on blogging, thank you for the tips, I bookmarked it!
Great post...definitely will try this :)
So many great tips! Thank you so much for being so detailed :)
This is really fantastic article and very useful tips and information. Thanks for sharing this kind article.
I've done 7 of them, but haven't wrote any guest post for a blog, neither have I asked to be interviewed and get featured on a blog. That's because my blog is new and its going to be really hard to do these steps, don't you think?
This was super helpful! Thank you x
Being a beginner blogger, this is exactly what I needed to read. The advice was so simple yet it's something that I never even thought of! I've been so down about my blog lately and just absolutely stuck and this really inspired me to keep going and let myself shine through my posts a bit more. Thank you :)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article.
Great post and thinks are very clear and fine. Thanks.
That was very very helpful - thank you! I am just starting my fashion blog and at the beginning it is very overwhelming. :)
Would be so great if you could also have a look at my page!
I think it's really useful typs. for me as for beginning fashion blogger it very important. So,guys,try it! Lucky you
I completely agree of these wonderful points and I am sure these points very useful for folks. Thanks for sharing this kind blog.
Very helpful, thanks for the tips!
Just started up my beauty blog not too long ago and will definitely follow a few of these tips, thanks!
I loved this! You're writing style is flattering and honest and funny too, but genuinely helpful advice here. I really am struggling, I've had my blog since Autumn 2014 and I only have 5 followers, 2 of which are friends of mine. I don't actually know how to get a bigger following, it's just not happening! I will do the Facebook page idea, and I will try to get bloggers to reblog some of my stuff. I've actually written for online magazines and they get millions of hits per month so the article actually gets viewed, but my blog doesn't. I often get up to 30 hits per blog post, but rarely do I gain a follower. To have 100 would make me happy! I have a large Twitter following of over 18k yet I don't understand how to communicate with them like you said, other than linking a lot.
I must reread this post to fully take it in, and your other posts are fab!
great post, is really helpfull. thank you :)
my blog is new, so I don't have manny followers, the facebook or twitter page is a nice idea to get more visitors.. but with time we get there :)
Hello guys,
Looks like there are a lot of fashion bloggers here :)
Well one of the reason why each of us does not get many visitors on their blog is that there are so many of us! The more competition we have the worse because the biggest winners always have a lot of traffic due to other bloggers losing their traffic.
Thank you heaps for this post! I just started blogging and i've been having some trouble getting my blog out might have something to do with the fact that most of my social media don't really have a big following its under 100 people that follow me but i'll try to follow these steps:)
Such a nice post!
I am just looking for that How can i promote my fashion blog or website in easy way and finally i found this amazing post really helpful tips and techniques.
Thanks a lot for sharing such a nice article
Wow, thank you SO much for this! It helped me out an awful lot. I've just started a fashion blog recently and have become a little addicted lol. I enjoy making my posts look good and making sure I take amazing outfit photographs. However the promoting side of it is a little daunting as I always feel quite conceited but this post has helped me heaps and I'll definitely be bookmarking it to reread later.
Thank you once again! :)
Thank you so much for this article, I'm just starting out as a fashion blogger and information like this is vital, I would not have had any idea where to start without lovely people like yourself who are willing to share their expertise. I'm bookmarking this page and will no doubt be referring to it time and time again as I progress.
Thank you so much for this super helpful article! I just left my job and have begun full-time blogging and I had very little clue where to start. I really appreciate your article because it immediately gave me some extra motivation!
Thank you so much for sharing. I've been brainstorming ways to try and build more of a following and more traffic to my blog and this really helped! Thanks so much <3
Great tips, I think these ideas will really help me to promote my fashion blog. Thank you so much for sharing such a useful article.
Hi there! Absolutely awesome post, added it in my bookmarks as a starting point. :) To add to your points, I found that reddit is also a great source of readers for your blog. People there love when you provide them with good content and can really help your blog grow. Following your points, I myself recently started a blog which has a purpose of providing helpful clothing tips - how to wear certain outfits. My blog is still in starting phase, any thoughts?
Thanks a lot for your useful tips. I will try them all and hope it works.
Thanks a lot once again.
Eva that was a very helpful post thanks for sharing.
Writing a blog post is just the beginning. After hitting “publish” you should start promoting your blog post online wherever possible. We are building a new fashion platform to connect fashion retailers, bloggers and inspiration seekers. You should check it out and give it a try!
Great tips here, as a fashion blogger i am trying to improve traffic on my fashion blog. Thanks to share that informative tips with us.
These are absolutely incredible. Half of these things I didn't even think about. I'm a beginner in blogging and I found these very helpful. Thank you very much!
Thanks for this :)
Hi! This is a really great article. I've been reading about tips for a fashion blog on a several other pages and read countless other articles, but yours really shows the point and I like how you use facts and not only write around something to make it more "cute". For instance I got a bit bored this morning and started googling things like how to be a successful fashion blogger and I got lost in all the words written about that. Then I found you, so simple but yet so efficient. Thank you for putting me on a ground with both legs again.
Glad to be of service! :)
This is a really great article -- hope I can start executing some of this to really help my blog take off. (:
Thank you for this starter guide, indeed very helpful for me and other fellows to improve my travel blog. I have been reading a lot of this and found yours to be detailed and direct. I have been concerned as my traffic isn't improving but I kept telling myself to be patient and decided to make some more research for other solutions. Well, patience is a virtue after all. many thanks!
Well! I am also a fashion blogger and follower as well but these tips are really unique and helpful. Last week, I have written a blog on various Beauty Salons in E17but doesn't get expected results but now I am surely going to follow these tips.
I recently (a few days ago, to be exact!) started my blog Faux Silk, and I'm so excited to start using these tips to spread inspiration to viewers! I didn't create a fashion blog for the intent to start a business/career out of it, it's more of a passion. However, I still want to gain a following so I don't feel like I'm talking to no-one. Luckily, sharing on my personal social media seems to be working and my friends love my blog. I agree with all the other comments about fb, though, I really need to work up the courage to make a page!
Just started up my blog & this post has helped me so much!! Would love it for some people to check it out and let me know what you think x
I've just started a small blog promoting novelty clothing.So this Post realy was helpfull.Thanks
Respect June
It's 2016 and I found this post very useful! Thank you for sharing such great tips!
Thank you so much for these helpful tips! This post is really useful for new bloggers! thanks a lot! :)
Thank you so much for the tips! I did have a Facebook page for my old blog but it just seems like it's dying out. Perhaps I'll give it another shot! Definitely going to share and support your blog! Glad I came across it. ^_^
I'm new to the blogging world and let's just say my traffic isn't at the rate i'd like it to be! I found these tips so helpful and can only hope they'll help me meet other bloggers with the same passion for beauty as me!
Very good post, I got very helpful things from this. Thank you!!!
This was really helpful! Thanks for the tips ❤️
Thanks for this tips. I will surely use them to encourage more visitors and followers on my blog.
Great tips ! :D I use 'em all and it helps :D
This was such a helpful post! I've only just got my blog up and running in the last couple of months and am finding it hard to promote my posts to readers other than friends on Facebook/twitter, so these tips are really going to help me widen my views!
Great tips. This was really helpful!
These are really good tips! Thank you so much for sharing!
I've just started a beauty blog, I am trying to make it as interesting and funny as possible and I was just wondering how I could make it more visible. :)
Thank you for providing nice information.
a very nice tips to promote my indian fashion blog. i am not in to online or digital marketing but your tips are easy to understand and implement it . i will try these tips and hope to drive more traffic to my indian fashion blog.
Thank you so much for your sharing! I also facing the traffic problem with my new blog. I have Google many articles, however, still wonder how to do better...
Thanks for your guide.
Great info thank you.